Special Events
Stay up to date with all of our upcoming and special events.
Under the Ancient Oaks: An Immersive Historical Experience
November 15-17, 2024
Historic Bluffton Foundation, Bluffton, SC
Join us for a captivating journey into the past with “Under the Ancient Oaks,” a unique
educational event designed to bring history to life. Taking place from November 15th to 17th,
this immersive experience will transport you to the antebellum period through the eyes of living
Historic Bluffton Foundation Lecture Series
Living With The Paranormal
Wednesday, October 23rd
2:00 PM
Location TBD
LWT Paranormal’s Founder, Patrick Fields, and Lead Investigator, Mike DeFore, will present their findings from their investigation of The Heyward House Museum and Welcome Center. There were interesting interactions in every location we investigated at The Heyward House, however, we discovered the upstairs of the main house and the Slave Quarters to be of some quit interest. Join us as we share these fascinating discoveries in an effort to bring the paranormal happens at The Heyward House to the realm of normal. We will also conduct a question and answer session and are open to discuss anything pertaining to the paranormal.
Celebration of Luke Peeples Music and Life
Friday, October 25th
Campbell Chapel AME
Historic Bluffton Foundation Member Social
Thursday, June 13th
Heyward House Common Ground
Preservation Symposium presented by Town of Bluffton and Reception following by Historic Bluffton Foundation
Thursday, May 23rd
Town Hall
Reception – immediately following Symposium
Heyward House Common Ground
Historic Bluffton Foundation Membership Drive Kickoff
Tuesday, April 16th
Heyward House
Clay Rice Silhouette Cutting and Book Signing
Wednesday, May 22nd
3:00 to 6:00
Heyward House Common Ground
Preservation Symposium presented by Town of Bluffton and Reception following by Historic Bluffton Foundation
Thursday, May 23rd
Town Hall
Reception – immediately following Symposium
Heyward House Common Ground